miércoles, 28 de agosto de 2019

2)my best holidays in Salta, Argentina

hello classmate today i will talk about my holidays in Salta, argentina, this happened approximately when i was in seventh grade and we were like a week.

in that occasion trip with my family and a family friendly to my parents. the travel was great, very great, for starters i met for the first time a green landscape, well i am from the north of chile where everything is desert, get to know a tropical climate it was great, talking about the weather i remember that i saw lightning bolts and rain. the weather issue was very crazy for me.

i also remember that the city was beautiful, was very romantic to walk around, the street had a certain french aesthetic,but i am not sure, i think than i will like walk again over there.

we also went to a river to practice rafting, it was an extreme experience, then we threw ourselves into the riiver.

i conclude that i would really like it back to Salta, very good holidays with people that i love very much, my family.

domingo, 16 de junio de 2019

6) The Technique

hello classmate today i will talk abaout to the technique in the dance, first, say that in the dance theres a lot technique and  these appeal to an extension of the possibilities and tools that a body can execute, for example we have the classic technique, contemporary technique, modern technique, the urban technique, the acrobatics technique, in the background everything has a technique, everything has its way of doing things,and these forms are established by teachers who have investigated the movements and appropiate ways to reach certain movements. when i speak correctly, i speak in a general, healthy and organic way.

the technique allows humans to fence by breaking the limits of what is possible with body, coming to really incredible things. thinking this drives me crazy.

for example, thanks to the technique of handstand is that now people are able to achieve in one hand and open their legs while doing it and sometimes until smiling.

Resultado de imagen para hand stand

Resultado de imagen para hand stand one

finally we forget that the excess of technique can turn us into a machine of execution and deprive us of our human side.

8 )Meredith Monk and Yann Tiersen

hello classmate today i will talk about to meredtih monk, this is a very talent american artist, she is a singer, music, performer, filmaker, dancer, she is everything.

meredith monk still lives and i am not sure when was the climax of his career nor in what scenario was presented, but i know her thanks to videos on youtube where i could appreciate his wonderful art.

anyway i think that definitely she appeared in contemporary and posmodern scenarios.




here we can see all the artistic display of meredith monk, the artistic disciplines by themselves can cause deep emotions and sensations but several disciplines together in one work is really awesome.

other artist that i like is yann tiersen, he is a french musician, is an important exponent of minimalism, composed the soundtrack of the movies: amelie, good bye Lenin! and tabarly.

he started to like me at a crucial moment in my adolecence when my emotions, ideals and world vision they where, it was a very romantic period in my life.




these are very good videos, i recommend them.

viernes, 7 de junio de 2019

7) My favorite websites

hello classmate today i will talk abaout to my favorite websites these are youtube and instagram.

 Firts will talk to youtube, i remember being very small when i started to watch videos in youtuve, before i watched videos to videogames and nerdy things, after start watching music videos and i discovered a group called "lmfao" in fact i just remember that for this event i dance well learned his choreography and since then i have not stopped dancing, never, and i have not stopped watching video in youtube, but no longer of "lmfao",now i see videos of contemporary dance, urban dance, acrobatics, theory of dance and art, funny videos,music videos, and others. i can say that the globalization of youtube it has helped me a lot to develop my dance.

urban dance
contemporary dance
modern dance
modern dance
artistic gymnastic
urban dance

on the other hand we have instagram it also helps me in develop my dance, well i can follow dancers that i like very much and that inspire me.

for example:

well, i also like it because i can see what my friends do.

in instagram you see things that do not look elsewhere.

domingo, 26 de mayo de 2019

1) My Biography

hello i am Camilo Pinto Arruzas i am 20 years old, study dance in "universidad de chile" and come from Arica the northern end of the country.

i like the idea that i am a desert person with everything that implies (draw your conclusions) and this manifests itself in all aspects of my life.

by the way i must speak of important aspects of my life, i like dance, draw, write (in spanish),walk and go to party.

i dance from the age of 15 and i started dancing breaking and since then i have learned different techniques but always my topic will be the acrobatics dance. it was in this age also that started start writing and drawging. adolescence was a great moment.

i am talking only about myself and i almost forgot tell them that my family is made up of my mom, my father, my sister, my cat and my great grandmother.

viernes, 24 de mayo de 2019

5) my photographics topics

Hello classmate today i will talk about to the photograph

Throughout my life i have had so to speak various "photographic topic" i explain my tastes are seasonal, i have become obsessed with different things to photograph.

For excample when i was a child liked photograph my toys and generate the illusion that they were real and not a toy but later i got bored by not achieving the desired result. they were really very bad pictures.

Coming already has more current time, i started photographing to the orange peels piled by me after eating, in fact that was my wallpaper of my old cell phone.

My current topis is photographs trees.
 for example:

The current topic is because i am in a creative process called "azul madre" where i interpret and dance represent somehow a being what is the combination between my great grandmother an old tree.

photograph trees is for me a way to investigate them.

sábado, 11 de mayo de 2019

4) the collective creation

i like with my parthners the collective creation, because  it is a space where we put to the test that we learn in the university and we do what we want with the creation, from this point to view the autonomy collective creation gives us liberty to opinion in relation with the university, get involved with the topics that interest us and the way we want. 

for example: dance in the street, or dance with controversial topic, dance for the children, dance for the environment,acrobatic dance, dance with people that not dance, etc.

the possibilities are endless.

Resultado de imagen para danza contemporanea en la calle

in my opinion we are lucky for study dance, so i think we owe it to society and we hace to pay dancing, because its the best we know how to do, and better if this dance related with the society and your problems.

Resultado de imagen para danza contemporanea en la calle

the dance is awesoma and the people should know!!!