viernes, 24 de mayo de 2019

5) my photographics topics

Hello classmate today i will talk about to the photograph

Throughout my life i have had so to speak various "photographic topic" i explain my tastes are seasonal, i have become obsessed with different things to photograph.

For excample when i was a child liked photograph my toys and generate the illusion that they were real and not a toy but later i got bored by not achieving the desired result. they were really very bad pictures.

Coming already has more current time, i started photographing to the orange peels piled by me after eating, in fact that was my wallpaper of my old cell phone.

My current topis is photographs trees.
 for example:

The current topic is because i am in a creative process called "azul madre" where i interpret and dance represent somehow a being what is the combination between my great grandmother an old tree.

photograph trees is for me a way to investigate them.

4 comentarios:

  1. Camilo, i love your photos! the trees are so beautiful :)

  2. It´s amazing the powerfull that you have in your photos

  3. I have an special respect and love for trees. A few years ago at my town the major sent people to cut the trees in front of the churche, I was devastated. That trees were at least 100 years old. It was a really sad day.
