domingo, 26 de mayo de 2019

1) My Biography

hello i am Camilo Pinto Arruzas i am 20 years old, study dance in "universidad de chile" and come from Arica the northern end of the country.

i like the idea that i am a desert person with everything that implies (draw your conclusions) and this manifests itself in all aspects of my life.

by the way i must speak of important aspects of my life, i like dance, draw, write (in spanish),walk and go to party.

i dance from the age of 15 and i started dancing breaking and since then i have learned different techniques but always my topic will be the acrobatics dance. it was in this age also that started start writing and drawging. adolescence was a great moment.

i am talking only about myself and i almost forgot tell them that my family is made up of my mom, my father, my sister, my cat and my great grandmother.

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