sábado, 27 de abril de 2019

2) The Career of my Dreams

As a child i had no idea what i wanted to be when big and i never thought i would study dance. it was not until high school that I started thinking seriously that I could study, firts think in languaje teacher (spanish) because i liked the literary texts and write, I imagined this life compatible with my personality but i do not really like to read and that was a problem.
parallel to secundary i started dancing and i discovered in this discipline a lifestyle compatible with my personality i like arts and the different ways of expressing myself and i thought that study dance it was a good idea.

Luckily, it was my experience in the university studing dance have been very great, i am acquiring kwowledge tha i would like to put to test in the area of interpretation althoug also i like pedagogy.

3 comentarios:

  1. i think you´re great in everything you propose

  2. oooh!! right, I remember! you say you wanted to study for being teacher, in first year when you introduced yourself. It would be interesting know how much of that dream remains.

  3. you're a amazing dancer, i enjoy have class with u :)
